Java SE 17 Developer (1Z0-829)

ORACLE Question & Answer

Last Updated

11 March 2025

Exam Code: 1Z0-829
Exam Name: Java SE 17 Developer

Passing Score: 68%
Duration: 90 Minute

Original Dumps Provides 100% Valid ORACLE Exam Questions and answers which can helps you to Pass Your Certification Exam in First Attempt.

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Course Description

Prepare to pass exam: Java SE 17 Developer

An Oracle Certified Professional: Java SE 17 Developer has demonstrated proficiency in Java (Standard Edition) software development recognized by a wide range of world-wide industries. They have also exhibited thorough and broad knowledge of the Java programming language, coding practices, and utilization of new features incorporated into Java SE 17. By passing the required exam, a certified individual proves tremendous fluency in Java SE and the acquisition of the valuable professional skills required to be a Java software developer.

To prepare for the Java SE 17 Developer exam, focus on mastering the core features of Java, including object-oriented programming, exception handling, and collections. Study the new language features introduced in Java SE 17, such as pattern matching, sealed classes, and enhanced switch expressions. Hands-on coding practice is essential, so work on real-world projects or exercises to solidify your understanding. Additionally, review concurrency, functional programming (lambdas, streams), and modules. Utilize official Oracle documentation, practice exams, and tutorials to thoroughly prepare and increase your confidence for the certification exam.

Also, focus on memory management and garbage collection to understand JVM optimizations. Regularly take mock exams to assess your readiness and improve time management during the actual test.

Exam topics covered

Handling date, time, text, numeric and boolean values

  • Use primitives and wrapper classes including Math API, parentheses, type promotion, and casting to evaluate arithmetic and boolean expressions
  • Manipulate text, including text blocks, using String and StringBuilder classes
  • Manipulate date, time, duration, period, instant and time-zone objects using Date-Time API

Controlling Program Flow

  • Create program flow control constructs including if/else, switch statements and expressions, loops, and break and continue statements

Utilizing Java Object-Oriented Approach

  • Declare and instantiate Java objects including nested class objects, and explain the object life-cycle including creation, reassigning references, and garbage collection
  • Create classes and records, and define and use instance and static fields and methods, constructors, and instance and static initializers
  • Implement overloading, including var-arg methods
  • Understand variable scopes, use local variable type inference, apply encapsulation, and make objects immutable
  • Implement inheritance, including abstract and sealed classes. Override methods, including that of Object class. Implement polymorphism and differentiate object type versus reference type. Perform type casting, identify object types using instanceof operator and pattern matching
  • Create and use interfaces, identify functional interfaces, and utilize private, static, and default interface methods
  • Create and use enumerations with fields, methods and constructors

Handling Exceptions

  • Handle exceptions using try/catch/finally, try-with-resources, and multi-catch blocks, including custom exceptions

Working with Arrays and Collections

  • Create Java arrays, List, Set, Map, and Deque collections, and add, remove, update, retrieve and sort their elements

Working with Streams and Lambda expressions

  • Use Java object and primitive Streams, including lambda expressions implementing functional interfaces, to supply, filter, map, consume, and sort data
  • Perform decomposition, concatenation and reduction, and grouping and partitioning on sequential and parallel streams

Packaging and deploying Java code and use the Java Platform Module System

  • Define modules and their dependencies, expose module content including for reflection. Define services, producers, and consumers
  • Compile Java code, produce modular and non-modular jars, runtime images, and implement migration using unnamed and automatic modules

Managing concurrent code execution

  • Create worker threads using Runnable and Callable, manage the thread lifecycle, including automations provided by different Executor services and concurrent API
  • Develop thread-safe code, using different locking mechanisms and concurrent API
  • Process Java collections concurrently including the use of parallel streams

Using Java I/O API

  • Read and write console and file data using I/O Streams
  • Serialize and de-serialize Java objects
  • Create, traverse, read, and write Path objects and their properties using java.nio.file API

Accessing databases using JDBC

  • Create connections, create and execute basic, prepared and callable statements, process query results and control transactions using JDBC API

Implementing Localization

  • Implement localization using locales, resource bundles, parse and format messages, dates, times, and numbers including currency and percentage values

Assume the following:

  • Missing package and import statements: If sample code do not include package or import statements, and the question does not explicitly refer to these missing statements, then assume that all sample code is in the same package, or import statements exist to support them.
  • No file or directory path names for classes: If a question does not state the file names or directory locations of classes, then assume one of the following, whichever will enable the code to compile and run:
  • All classes are in one file
  • Each class is contained in a separate file, and all files are in one directory
  • Unintended line breaks: Sample code might have unintended line breaks. If you see a line of code that looks like it has wrapped, and this creates a situation where the wrapping is significant (for example, a quoted String literal has wrapped), assume that the wrapping is an extension of the same line, and the line does not contain a hard carriage return that would cause a compilation failure.
  • Code fragments: A code fragment is a small section of source code presented without its context. Assume that all necessary supporting code exists and that the supporting environment fully supports the correct compilation and execution of the code shown and its omitted environment.
  • Descriptive comments: Take descriptive comments, such as "setter and getters go here," at face value. Assume that correct code exists, compiles, and runs successfully to create the described effect.

Candidates are also expected to:

  • Understand the basics of Java Logging API.
  • Use Annotations such as Override, Functionallnterface, Deprecated, SuppressWarnings, and SafeVarargs.
  • Use generics, including wildcards.

Why choose Original dumps  for Oracle 1Z0-829 Certification Preparation?

Choosing Original dumps for Oracle 1Z0-829 Certification Preparation ensures you're studying with reliable and up-to-date materials. These dumps cover real exam questions, helping you focus on the most relevant topics. This boosts your confidence and maximizes your chances of passing on the first attempt.

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9 reviews for Java SE 17 Developer

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    Vishakha Iyer

    March 04, 2025 at 12:07 pm

    Thanks to Original Dumps, I cleared 1Z0-829 with ease. The dumps were very well-structured!

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    February 12, 2025 at 01:07 am

    I successfully passed 1Z0-829 using Original Dumps. The dumps were very useful and well-structured.

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    February 10, 2025 at 01:07 am

    Thanks to Original Dumps, I passed 1Z0-829. The content was accurate and closely matched the actual exam.

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    January 31, 2025 at 11:38 am

    1Z0-829 exam success was possible with Original Dumps.

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    Bhavin Kapoor

    January 22, 2025 at 01:32 pm

    1Z0-829 exam prep was supported by Original Dumps' related questions. The content enhanced my overall understanding.

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